A request of accreditation will be submitted to the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®)

Defoe, CME Provider and Medtech Trusted partner, submitted the congress through the Conference Vetting System for a compliance review. The EUGA Conference (ID EMT22421) has been appointed as COMPLIANT.
Defoe will observe standard Medtech requirements to guarantee a proper and transparent management of both sponsorship and any registration grants offered by Medtech associated industries. All arrangements are however subject to local Laws as well as to National rules and regulations of CME/CPD accreditation.
Dear All,
In light of the ongoing Coronavirus (COVID-19) developments, and after careful and deliberate consideration, EUGA Executive Committee has made the difficult decision to cancel the EUGA face-to-face Annual Meeting.
As you know, until recently, EUGA was still optimistic about having the event taking place in person; however, in the last few days, further to the latest updates concerning new outbreaks in Europe, Faculty members and sponsors of the meeting expressed strong uncertainty about their attendance in person.
We therefore wish to thank all of you for your attention and time dedicated to EUGA 2020, in particular all abstracts presenters who sent their papers until the very last moment.
We are overwhelmed by the amount of papers received, despite the pandemic emergency.
For this reason, EUGA Executive and Scientific Committees wish to honour this dedication and interest toward EUGA Congress by organising an online version of the Annual Meeting to host all the abstracts that will be accepted after reviewing.
EUGA intends to provide you all with an online Scientific Programme and contents on EUGA website which will be published monthly, from October until the end of the year as further benefit of your registration fee.
Presenting authors of accepted abstracts will be able to present their works to the audience as well as to the EUGA Committees and the best abstracts will be awareded and published on the EUGA Official Journal, FPMRS.
EUGA Executive and Scientific Committees are now working hard to finalise the details of the new scientific programme which we will share in the coming weeks, as soon as it will be available.
Sponsors will also be invited to express their interest in organising sponsored sessions and we hope the new asset, even if unusual for EUGA, might bring new understanding and enrich even more the interaction between delegates, members and industries.
Looking forward to welcoming you online soon,
Best wishes
On behalf of the EUGA Committees
EUGA Office